Working for a bright future for our children and their schools.

Help support our students and fund their future and 
Check YES Twice
for the School Bond Referendum
November 5, 2024.

Why Should You Vote Yes?

Did you know Johnston County was recently recognized as the fastest growing county in North Carolina and the 9th fastest growing county in the nation?  

Right now in our Johnston County Public Schools, we have 167 mobile classrooms; 72% of our schools are at or over capacity.

Overcrowded schools mean more wear and tear on our facilities. 
Did you know that overcrowded schools usually have higher rates of student absenteeism and increased students' behavioral issues? 

Our children, our teachers, and our communities deserve better. We need to build schools, to update our current schools, and to continue to do everything we can to keep our children and our school personnel safe.

On November 5, 2024, or even before if you vote early, each of us will have an opportunity to positively impact every student in Johnston County Public Schools. By voting yes on the Bond Referendum, we are investing in our children and in the future of Johnston County. 

Currently, 23 JCPS schools are on the capped schools list.  In addition, the district has over $1 billion  in renovation needs were identified on a recent facility condition assessment. 

Please help us spread the word. Our children matter; our amazing teachers matter, and your vote matters!

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